![]() 06/12/2020 at 13:55 • Filed to: vibe 2020 | ![]() | ![]() |
I changed the camshaft position sensor and crankshaft position sensor last night.
The camshaft position sensor was tougher than it looked to remove. I needed a deep socket to reach the screw but an extension wouldn’t fit without interfering with the manifold. Lots of brackets and wires were loosened or moved to get in there. It was tedious and delicate, but ultimately took maybe an hour, most of which was spent saying, “Does this fit? No... Does THIS fit? No...”
I very much doubt it was bad, but it was definitely not squeaky clean.
Next came the crankshaft position sensor. I would probably never attempt this again. Four hours. The path of the electrical connection is barely wide enough for the sensor. Far worse was the inaccessibility of the connection, unless I wanted to take off the entire exhaust manifold, which would require removing many other bits and boops first.
In fact, I dont even remember how I got this off... oh wait, yes. Yes. I reached from the bottom of the engine, on my back, up through and got about two fingers back there. I squeezed and giggled the plastic about 300,000 times. Came back up to pull the end connected to the loom. CLICK. I then pulverized the bracket holding the old sensor in at top. That was probably worse because it it truly buried. Anyway. Lots of cursing an swearing.
I left the old sensor hanging so you I could snake the new wire through the same path blindly. This was also hell. I had to cut it to get it out.
In summation, I hate everything.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 13:58 |
But did it start afterwards???
![]() 06/12/2020 at 14:00 |
It did, but it always does until it doesn’t. We'll just have to drive it until it fails, no other way to verify diddly.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 14:04 |
I love having to prove a negative. I’m in the same boat with the Jag’s stereo right now. It works fine until it doesn’t and right now it is working fine.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 14:05 |
I squeezed and giggled the plastic about 300,0 00 times.
This sounds vaguely dirty, which I suppose is true enough in a literal sense. Good work.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 14:07 |
Just remember, all that stuff fit in CAD!
![]() 06/12/2020 at 14:12 |
glad you got it done
![]() 06/12/2020 at 14:24 |
I would have taken it to a mechanic by now. I’m not that patient with these strange fitting things. When I needed a new thermostat on my Mazda I looked at it and went NOPE when I realized how much shit I’d have to remove for access. I paid someone else to do it and they commented on how much of a pain in the ass it was to replace .
![]() 06/12/2020 at 14:26 |
Have you tried selling it while it starts?
![]() 06/12/2020 at 14:32 |
I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, but what codes are stored? Sensors going out should have some OBD2 codes to give you an idea what’s going on.
Also that little bit of metallic crud on the cam sensor could easily bork up the hall effect sensor
![]() 06/12/2020 at 14:52 |
The pro tips are always buried lol
![]() 06/12/2020 at 15:05 |
Your summary is what will keep me coming back for more.
I can remember almost being in tears trying to attach a va cuum hose to a turbo control valve. Hours. Tools. Swearing. Makes you question everything. How could it be this hard? Is this happening?
![]() 06/12/2020 at 15:06 |
Deeply impressed by your wrenching. Next time we may up I’ll buy you a beer.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 15:12 |
In summation, I hate everything.
Sounds about right.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 15:34 |
what are the symptoms? Codes? Im not up to date on this.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 16:39 |
No code, car has had intermittent starting issues on and off four nearly four months. Damn near replaced the entire ignition system. Alternator and battery test good. Starter good. Cranks but wont fire up. Runs fine IF it starts.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 16:48 |
question - is it better or worse when its wet outside? I found a strange issue with mine and I chased the same parts and it turned out to be that the aftermarket distributor was letting moisture in. I can’t remember if the 1JZ-GE used a dizzy or not. worth checking.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 16:50 |
This is the Vibe, so it’s the 1ZZ-FE and it has coils — which I’ve also replaced.
Seems to be no correlation to weather, as far as I've noticed
![]() 06/12/2020 at 16:51 |
![]() 06/12/2020 at 17:46 |
I really think you should have a look at your idle air control valve, this was the symptom in my 5sfe Toyota. The iac wouldn’t open so I would randomly get crank no start. One day I held throttle partly open and instantly she fired up. Engine wasn’t getting air. Carb cleaner to the iac fixed it. Next time she doesn’t start hold the throttle partially and see if it cranks
![]() 06/12/2020 at 17:52 |
Nah... In my experience, poop has little or no impact on intermittent no-starts. And it doesn’t matter if the poop is in the toilet, in the car or in the pants.
![]() 06/12/2020 at 18:10 |
If you still have an issue after this, my suggestion is to replace the relevant fuses even if they look good.
Years ago on my first car, the Ford Festiva, I had an intermittent no-start situation that I researched and found out that in the engine bay, there were 3 fusible links that start providing bad contact as they age.
And when the car started, it ran fine... IF it started.
Went to the dealer, ordered a set of links, replaced them all and no more intermittent no-start.
And another time I had no-starts with a Ford Focus... that’s where it wouldn’t turn over at all. And the culprit there was the clutch safety switch where it won’t let you start the car unless the clutch is pressed in.
And if you haven’t done it already, look at replacing the starter relay and starter solenoid.
Also, have a look at this video:
![]() 06/12/2020 at 18:36 |
Playing with the throttle during cranking hasn’t seemed to affect anything. When it doesn’t want to start, it will just crank and crank and crank regardless of throttle input. I suppose I could take it off and clean it up anyway.
![]() 06/13/2020 at 09:25 |
That’s rough, another separate no start issue I had was with my coolant temp sensor. It would sporadically drop out and read -40F (no codes). Symptom was same as yours. I diagnosed it with a scanner by looking at all my sensors one day when I had a no start.